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您好!我們是知音 (Echo),一群由中學生在2021年1月創辦的非牟利組織,旨在鼓勵深入、有意義的交流,並希望通過各行各業人士的經驗之談,為資源匱乏的中學生指點迷津,令他們能在考大學、選科與求職時能聽到不同人的建議。


我們現在已經有51位訪談嘉賓,包括前立法會主席曾鈺成先生、明報出版社總經理、三聯書店副總編輯、香港大學教授、CEO、導演、醫生、太平紳士律師、藝人、哈佛與牛津、劍橋大學生。另外,我們有幸受香港電台訪問,與被世界經濟論壇KIDSforSDGs和全球最大播客搜尋引擎Listen Notes認證及宣傳。

我們的節目包括「剪燭西窗」- 專訪社會上不同領域的嘉賓,請他們分享過來人的經歷與故事;「薰風」和「浮想」- 知音成員探討各種話題的聊天文化類節目;「浮生」- 一個讓故事和思想匯聚碰撞的平台;以及「知心」- 一個讓您隨心分享想法和情感的避風港。詳情請查閲我們的網站。🌈



歡迎來到知音 - 讓我們一起品味生活、交流智慧、遇見美好。🌱

Are you feeling anxious and confused about choosing a subject, applying for a university, or finding a job? Have you lost your way in life and still can't find an exit until now?

Don't fret! We are here for you. Echo is a student-led non-profit organization founded by St. Paul's Co-educational College high school students in Hong Kong, interviewing people from different industries to share experience on college applications, career ventures and life stories. We consist of more than 50 members from Hong Kong, UK, USA, Australia and Canada, and are featured by RTHK, World Economic Forum affliate KIDSforSDGs and Listen Notes.

So far, we have interviewed more than 51 guests on our talk show, Fireside to share their stories and experiences. They come from all walks of life, such as Former Legislative Council President, Mr. Tsang Yuk-sing, General Manager of Ming Pao Publications, Deputy Chief Editor of Joint Publishing, Former Vice-Chairman of the Arts Development Council, CEO of OWN Academy, Former Dean of HKU Social Sciences, doctors, lawyers as well as Harvard, Oxbridge and HKU med students. Our founder and CEO Wendy Chong realized that many students may not have advisers to turn to when they face important decisions in life during college applications, major exploration and job seeking. Therefore, Echo is founded in hopes of helping those in need by being committed to bridging the educational, opportunity and resource gap. Our podcasts are all available on our website, Ultimately, we hope that through our platform, the diversity of human experience can be recognized and appreciated.

Echo strives to be a novel network that uses social media as a medium of inspirational storytelling. We seek to celebrate humanity by actively listening to these voices, sparking conversations and helping foster a more caring and interconnected global community. 🌍

As part of our Palette project, we launched our "Meaning of Life Campaign" to celebrate Earth Day (April 2022). Through promoting on various online platforms and contacting more than 10k Internet users, we conducted a survey to collect responses from people around the globe, asking them: "What is the meaning of life to you?". Much to our delight, we got responses from over 1020 people in a week from over 100 countries and 6 continents. We posted some of these thought-provoking answers on our social media to share the goodness and beauty of human nature, the diversity of the human experience and the preciousness of life.

Through conversations with people from diverse livelihoods and backgrounds, we gather enlightening perspectives that can hopefully guide you as you navigate through uncharted waters in life. Not only career insights will be imparted, but also advice on managing your time and emotions. Our initiatives include Fireside - guest interviews from all walks in society, Breeze & Wonder - podcasts where our board members discuss various topics, Palette - where submissions of stories and media are welcomed, as well as Haven - where you’re free to share your thoughts and emotions🎤

Ultimately, we hope that through our platform, the diversity of human experience - transcending national, cultural and generational boundaries - can be recognized and appreciated. ✨

Welcome to Echo - where minds meet, souls chime, and passions intertwine.

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